Your economic situation is a matter of choice, not a matter of chance.

At Mountain Financial, we advocate the truth and positively impact lives. We educate and empower individuals, families, and business owners in order for them to reach their personal, professional, and financial goals. Every day, through our actions and words, we strive to be the industry leader in the planning, accumulation, and preservation of wealth for our family of clients.


Josh Heikkila

Director of Financial Planning

Josh Heikkila joined the Mountain Financial team as an associate in the summer of 2021. Josh has been a student of Mountain Financial since 2012 and has spent the last several years studying general finance and developing his knowledge. His career history has strengthened his abilities to effectively develop and navigate complex data, systems, and situations. Josh has earned his Life Insurance license and is currently studying for his ChFC designation. He grew up in Colorado, but now lives in the Pacific Northwest enjoying his work, exercise and time with his family.


 What We Do For You

At Mountain Financial, we teach clients about the liquidity, use, and control of money.

At Mountain Financial, we practice wealth creation, including financial development, income protection, life insurance coverage, estate organization and college planning.

At Mountain Financial, we promise transparency, expert design, passion, commitment and stewardship.

Do you trust your current advisor enough to get a second opinion? Give us a call.

What Makes Us Different

Our responsibility is to educate you and impact your decision making. Each time we meet, if you learn something new then you commit to move forward. If not, you have the right to move on without us.

Four basic principles we follow when working with you:

  • Increase your money supply

  • Create more and better benefits

  • Reduce the element of risk and future taxes

  • Accomplish all this without spending one more dime than you are already spending

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